Web Publishing for Students
Thank you for your interest in building a website on the University of La Verne servers. Unfortunately, the limited trial
basis for hosting has ended, and the university will close all remaining student accounts at the end of the Spring 2017
This comes as part of an overall redevelopment of La Verne online presence that will increase site security and reduce
maintenance overhead. If you would like to know more about these changes, please contact Digital Communications at web@laverne.edu.
The Office of Information Technology is no longer accepting requests for sites or plugins. If a website is a requisite part
of a course you are taking, please have the instructor contact web@laverne.edu for more
In the meantime, WordPress.com provides free WordPress accounts for anyone looking to build a website for themselves or for
their class. As an added bonus, you can keep the site after graduating from La Verne! (Current accounts hosted by the
university expire four months after graduation.)
If you are interested in other free web hosting solutions, please contact web@laverne.edu for a list of options.